Our researches and analysis on Perspectives
The author shares the history of the reverse convertible, and explores its possibilities for the future
Bhaskar Prabhakara, CEO and co-founder of WeInvest, discusses the key drivers for the adoption of digital wealth platforms in Asia,…
As China’s markets become increasingly open to global investors through Hong Kong Stock Connect schemes, BNY Mellon expects to see…
Emmanuel Daniel, chairman, The Asian Banker, outlines the profiles of several digital entrepreneurs to remind bankers the skill, talent…
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, traced the evolution of the Web that he created. How its existence as a free and open…
Commissioned ReportCommissioned Report,
Commissioned Report,
亚洲银行家与中国建设银行携手推出《“一带一路”助力人民币国际化——2018年人民币国际化报告》 。此次,亚洲银行家对230家境内企业、116家境外企业和52家金融机构进行了调研,通过问卷调查、访谈等方法,评估、反映了人民币在全球范围内跨境贸易和金融活动中的变化与活跃程度。
As the race towards digitalisation intensifies, the relationship between banks and “big tech” companies is increasingly marked by collaboration…
As the trend towards shortening settlement cycles gathers pace, what can be done to speed up settlement without the disruption of calendar-day…
Commissioned ReportCommissioned Report,
Commissioned Report,
The Asian Banker and China Construction Bank, launched the global Renminbi (RMB) Internationalisation Report 2018, which is based on…